lundi, décembre 01, 2008


Noam Chomsky, qui a énormément compté pour tant de gens dont moi, aura 80 ans le 7 décembre prochain.

Un site permet de lui laisser un mot et de lui souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire.

Rebel without a pause...

87 commentaires:

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Holà amigo

MErci pour l'info
je la récupère et je balance ça sur mon blog illico

So long


PS : aussi incongru que soit mon invitation pour le 9 avril, elle n'en reste pas moins sérieuse. Je le répète, si t'es dans le qaurtier ce soir là nous t'y invitons cordialement. Toi et tes potes.
Just ask buddy

Normand Baillargeon a dit…

Salut, mon cher,

Trop gentil de ta part: merci.


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Grace a Chomsky que j ai decouvert en mai 2007 sur France Inter, je suis sorti des griffes de la psychanalyse lacanienne (imaginez une secte ou le gourou est votre analyste, ou on vous amene a le considerer comme un dieu, et ou on vous dit qu une guerison en psychiatrie ne doit meme pas etre souhaitee, sinon vous n etes pas digne de recevoir des soins).

Je serai eternellement reconnaissant a Noam Chomsky.

Normand Baillargeon a dit…


Dans sa sévère critique des intellectuels médiatiques et postmodernistes français, Chomsky fait semble-t-il une place à part à Lacan — qu'il dit avoir connu — en ceci que Lacan, selon Chomsky, savait parfaitement qu'il se foutait de la gueule du monde.

«In the case of Lacan, for example — it's going to sound unkind — my frank opinion is that he was a councious charlatan, and was playing games with the Paris intlelectual community to see how much absurdity he could produce and still be taken seriously. I mean that literally. I knew him.» (Source: ZNoam Chomsky: an Interview, Radical philosophy, august 1989, p. 32.

Normand B.

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Voici un commentaire sur la rencontre entre Chomsky et Lacan :

Lacan goes to the opera

Jacques Lacan by Elisabeth Roudinesco, Polity Press, 1997, pp. 574

IN THE AUTUMN OF 1975 Jacques Lacan, the French structuralist psychoanalyst, paid a rare visit to the United States. Convinced that he was world famous he announced on his arrival in New York that he wanted to make a private visit to the Metropolitan Opera House. His academic hosts were momentarily nonplussed but, knowing the penalties of crossing their guest, rapidly found a solution to the problem. They phoned the director of the Metropolitan and told him that Jean-Paul Sartre wanted to visit incognito. Flattered, the director agreed at once. Having been warned not to address the philosopher by name, he received his distinguished French visitor graciously and a memorable day ensued. Lacan was delighted by his welcome.

Later Lacan scandalised everyone during a lecture at the Massachusetts Instititute of Technology by the way he answered a question about thought put to him by Noam Chomsky. ‘We think we think with our brains,’ said Lacan. ‘But personally I think with my feet. That’s the only way I really come into contact with anything solid. I do occasionally think with my forehead, when I bang into something. But I’ve seen enough electroencephalograms to know there’s not the slightest trace of a thought in the brain.’ When he heard this Chomsky concluded that the lecturer must be a madman. The appearance of an English translation of Elisabeth Roudinesco’s biography of Lacan affords an excellent opportunity to ponder the question of whether Chomsky, a shrewd judge of many forms of autocratic imperialism, was right about Freud’s most celebrated French follower.

Jacques Lacan was a phenomenon of the extraordinary intellectual life of France which grew up during the late 1960s. Almost unheard of for most of his life and a virtual nonentity within the international psychoanalytic movement, he was suddenly elevated to the rank of a maître à penser at the age of 65 with the appearance of Ecrits, a large volume of his papers on psychoanalytic themes. In these writings, and throughout his career as a charismatic intellectual prophet, Lacan proclaimed himself as the leader of a ‘return to Freud’. Although Lacan’s self-proclamation as Freud’s true heir was credulously and eagerly accepted by many Parisian intellectuals, some early readers of Ecrits were puzzled. In the first place Lacan’s work apppeared to be a chaotic amalgam of the ideas of Hegel, Saussure, Lévi-Strauss and others which, while presented under the cover of psychoanalytic terminology, bore scarcely any resemblance to the original theories of Freud. In the second place (and it was this which made it difficult to pin down Lacan’s astonishing divergence from Freud) Lacan’s writings were frequently opaque to the point of incomprehensibility. Even Lacan’s own followers will often readily admit that they find large portions of his work quite unintelligible. The situation was perhaps best summed up by an advertisement for a psychoanalytic magazine which appeared in France shortly before Lacan’s death in 1981: ‘January 1980. There are thousands of people who do not understand Lacan. In 1950 there were only twenty or thirty.’

During his lifetime Lacan became notorious not only for the obscurity of his prose but also for the shortness of his treatment sessions. Latterly these sessions lasted between three and ten minutes with one of Lacan’s patients paying £110 for a session which lasted barely a minute and was conducted at the entrance of his apartment through a door barely ajar. Yet although Lacan has been repeatedly denounced as an ‘intellectual terrorist’ not only by orthodox psychoanalysts, but also by some of his former students, his reputation has survived and he is introduced on the dustjacket of Elisabeth Roudinesco’s biography as ‘one of the foremost intellectuals of the century’.

Roudinesco herself was once a member of Lacan’s inner circle and her portrait of him is a kind of embarrassed hagiography which has been imperfectly disguised as a contribution to psychoanalytic pluralism. But although in this gloomy church of a book she is able to achieve no critical perspective on the Master, sufficient light is cast by the candles she reverently sets before her subject to enable us to make out the human being behind the saintly statue.

Jacques Lacan, even by Roudinesco’s all but doting account, was a tyrant by the time he was ten, ‘wilful and domineering, constantly asking [his parents] for food or money or presents on the grounds that he was the eldest.’ Brought up in an atmosphere of stifling religiosity, he rejected God and set out to become a psychiatrist only to fall under the influence of a series of tyrannical teachers whose vast confidence was in inverse proportion to their actual understanding of human nature.

Lacan seems above all to have been one of those intellectuals who have become completely unhinged from their own emotional life and from ordinary human relationships. The tragic predicament of such thinkers is that, driven by terrifying feelings of insecurity and emptiness, they mistakenly conclude that intellectual truths can be an adequate substitute for emotional warmth. Craving distinction and imagining that abstract intellectual formulations can alone fill the void they feel within them, they develop a voracious appetite for such formulations, anorexically judging their goodness by the degree of difficulty or abstraction they possess. Believing that what they have devoured is intrinsically nourishing they are impelled to share their ‘truths’ with others. Like a starving man who compels others to eat the diet of stones he believes has saved him, they give abundantly of their poverty out of a genuine conviction that they are enriching others.

Lacan’s own need to feed upon the stones of difficult intellectual truth was certainly not satisfied by his reading of Freud. In an intellectual culture which was both anti-German and anti-semitic, and therefore deeply suspicious of psychoanalysis, he took upon himself the project which others had started – that of creating a distinctively ‘French’ version of psychoanalysis which would reflect the Cartesian spirit and be both more rigorous and more cerebral.

Progressively he pushed psychoanalysis upwards into a realm of almost complete philosophical abstraction, marrying it improbably with a series of ideas drawn from Jakobson, Saussure and Lévi-Strauss and declaring that the unconscious was structured like a language. This strategy proved highly effective for it meant that psychoanalysis could be caught up in one of the most powerful of all twentieth-century intellectual currents – structuralism. In 1964, Louis Althusser, already established as a charismatic Marxist ideologist, ended a period of immersion in structuralist thought by producing an article entitled ‘Freud and Lacan’ in which he paid homage to the latter. The article had the effect of transforming Lacan’s intellectual fortunes almost overnight.

The publication of Lacan’s Ecrits soon followed and from this point on his texts were pored over and expounded by Althusser’s students and colleagues at the Ecole Normale Superieur. Meanwhile Lacan’s Paris seminar gained a sudden access of prestige and became, in the words of one commentator ‘a glittering socio-intellectual occasion’ – a kind of abstruse secular mass which those who saw themselves as intellectual revolutionaries, and who wished to be initiated into the deeper mysteries, felt compelled to attend.

The reasons why so many submitted to Lacan’s ideas are complex. In the first place Lacan’s words did contain all kinds of fractured meanings which, rotated in the kaleidoscope of structuralism, appeared both fascinating and profound. Even more important was the seductive power of Lacan’s personality which was first projected in his seminar and then transferred to his writings. In 1967 Didier Anzieu, a former student of Lacan, condemned his teacher for keeping his students tied to an ‘unending dependence on an idol, a logic or a language, by holding out the promise of fundamental truths to be revealed but always at some further point, and only to those who continue to travel with him.’ Jacque Brosse, in his review of Ecrits, wrote this: ‘The whole, let us say so immediately – is overwhelmingly impressive, because it is impenetrable. It is above all to be feared that in the face of an obscurity this aggressive, intellectual snobs, who are masochistic by nature, will forge a success for J. Lacan without having read him.’

These words come close to the heart of the Lacanian phenomenon. For the urge towards self-humiliation in front of an ineffable wisdom is one of the most significant elements in our religious tradition. Mysteries have always been more powerful than explanations, and cerebral, abstract mysteries (laced intermittently if not with sex, at least with its linguistic shadow) are the most potent of all. Lacan, more than any modern intellectual, stumbled on a way of exploiting this aspect of our cultural psychology.

The ultimate emptiness of the mysteries which Lacan expounded in his seminars, and of his entire intellectual enterprise, is perhaps best conveyed by his last major project – in which, having already reduced human psychology to a series of pseudo-algebraic linguistic equations, he set out to discover the mathematical formulae (‘mathemes’) to which he believed all human psychology could be reduced. As equations, ratios, arrows and diagrams of complex knots covered the blackboard in the three-day meeting on mathemes which took place in 1976, many members of Lacan’s audience felt guilty at understanding nothing or very little of something that, as one of them put it, ‘everyone important seems to feel is so crucial’.

Elisabeth Roudinesco does not report this extraordinary seminar. But she does record one of the few observations of Lacan which might be regarded as an insight: ‘Psychosis is an attempt at rigour. In this sense I would say that I am psychotic. I am psychotic for the simple reason that I have always tried to be rigorous.’

It is tempting to accept Lacan’s own words and to find in them the definitive answer to Chomsky’s question – that the lecturer who assured his MIT audience that he thought with his feet was indeed a madman. But to put matters like this would be to foster an illusion.

It would be better to recognise that Lacan reacted to his own personal predicament in the only way he could. Having rejected God and conceived a passionate hatred for his own family and his own origins, his life’s project became that of turning himself into a God before whose ineffable and ultimately impenetrable wisdom others would prostrate themselves. To the extent that we have done just this, it is the sanity of our intellectual culture as a whole, and not only that of Lacan, which needs to be questioned.

New Statesman, July, 1997

Source :

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D'autres citations de Lacan :

Le Nouvel Observateur, sept. 1981, n° 880, p. 88

Extraits d'une conférence non publiée, prononcée à Bruxelles le 26 février 1977.

« Notre pratique est une escroquerie, bluffer, faire ciller les gens, les éblouir avec des mots qui sont du chiqué, c'est quand même ce qu'on appelle d'habitude du chiqué.

[...] Du point de vue éthique, c'est intenable, notre profession ; c'est bien d'ailleurs pour ça que j'en suis malade, par ce que j'ai un surmoi comme tout le monde.

[...] Il s'agit de savoir si Freud est oui ou non un événement historique. Je crois qu'il a raté son coup. C'est comme moi, dans très peu de temps, tout le monde s'en foutra de la psychanalyse. Il est clair que l'homme passe son temps à rêver qu'il ne se réveille jamais. Il suffit de savoir ce qu'à nous, les psychanalystes, nous fournissent les patients. Ils ne nous fournissent que leurs rêves. »

Source :

"Une pratique de bavardage. Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan"

Ornicar ?, 1979, 19, p. 5-9

(Texte établi par Jacques-Alain Miller)

Ce qui dans le sexuel importe, c'est le comique. C'est quand un homme est femme qu'il aime, c'est-à-dire au moment où il aspire pour quelque chose qui est son objet. Par contre, c'est au titre d'homme qu'il désire, c'est-à-dire qu'il se supporte de quelque chose qui s'appelle proprement bander.

La vie n'est pas tragique. Elle est comique. Et il est assez curieux que, pour désigner ce dont il s'agissait, Freud n'ait rien trouvé de mieux que le complexe d'Œdipe, c'est-à-dire une tragédie. On ne voit pas pourquoi il a désigné d'autre chose que d'une comédie ce à quoi il avait affaire dans le rapport qui lie le symbolique, l'imaginaire et le réel. Il pouvait prendre un chemin plus court."

Source :

"Une pratique de bavardage. Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan" -Ornicar ?, 1979, 19, p. 5-9

(Texte établi par Jacques-Alain Miller)

"Qu'est-ce que vous êtes gentils, de vous déranger comme ça pour ce que j'ai à vous dire. Mon séminaire, je n'ai pas la moindre envie de le faire.

Je l'ai intitulé cette année le Moment de conclure. Ce que j'ai à vous dire, je vais vous le dire — c'est que la psychanalyse est à prendre au sérieux, bien que ce ne soit pas une science.

Comme l'a montré abondamment un nommé Karl Popper, ce n'est pas une science du tout, parce que c'est irréfutable. C'est une pratique, une pratique qui durera ce qu'elle durera.

C'est une pratique de bavardage."

Source :

Le 5 janvier 1977

"Jacques-Alain Miller : J'ai encore une chose à vous demander, qui concerne la pratique de la psychothérapie, dont nous aurons à parler dans cette Section clinique. Vous avez naguère lâché cette formule sans fard "la psychothérapie ramène au pire. Ça devrait impliquer qu'on ne peut à la fois se dire "lacanien" et "psychothérapeute". Je me demande jusqu'à quel point on prend ça au sérieux, et, à dire vrai, jusqu'à quel point vous prenez au sérieux ce que vous avez dit.

Jacques Lacan : J'ai dit ça avec sérieux.

J. A. M. : Les psychothérapies, ça n'est pas la peine ?

J. L.: C'est certain, ce n'est pas la peine de thérapier le psychique. Freud aussi pensait ça. Il pensait qu'il ne fallait pas se presser de guérir. Il ne s'agit pas de suggérer, ni de convaincre.

J. A. M. : Et en plus, il pensait que pour le psychotique, ce n'était pas possible, purement et simplement.

J.L. : D'accord."

Edité dans :

LACAN, J. (1977) Ouverture de la section clinique.

Ornicar ?, n°9, p. 13.

Source :

Normand Baillargeon a dit…

Édifiant. Merci. Je range tout ça dans le tiroir que tu devines...


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